SRI的所有参与者都为他们的研究获得资助. 2022年,SRI的学生研究人员获得了6000美元的津贴. SRI students also have access to subsidized on-campus housing for the duration of the 10-week program. Student financial support for the 暑期研修院 is derived from a combination of grants 和 programs, 以及许多个人捐赠者的慷慨.
- 如上所述, all students accepted to SRI receive funding for their research—regardless of whether their faculty mentor is able to support them.
- 的 source 资助的数额因学生而异. 大多数 是Barnard直接支持的吗. 其他项目则由部门资金支持, 政府拨款, 资料由他们的导师提供, 或其他可能有额外申请的奖项(见下文).
- 每年, students are also encouraged to apply for special funding sources (which may have specific application deadlines). 经常, these special funding sources may provide additional funds to support housing costs; or connect students to smaller cohorts of students; or are simply valuable to include on a resume (examples below).
- 学生 can receive SRI funding to work in laboratories at Barnard or other colleges, 机构, 以及纽约市和纽约大都会区的大学.
- 如果学生被SRI录取,他们的导师可以提供 部分 funding, a student will receive the remainder of their SRI funding directly from Barnard.
- All students should discuss whether their mentor has funding to support them when talking about the possibility of joining their lab.
- 关于其他机会和资金来源的详细信息如下.
如果你关心这个过程的话, we encourage you to stay in touch with your department’s 教师 SRI Representative (和 to ask questions at!
大多数学生 直接通过其附属部门获得资助. 的 faculty in each department allocate 和 make decisions about these funds (which are provided to the departments by the Office of the 教务长), 基于SRI学生插槽的可用性.
Many students working with Barnard faculty receive funding directly from their faculty mentor, 通常是因为导师的研究是由个人资助的. 你可以和你的导师谈谈,看看情况是否如此.
就是外部导师, faculty whose academic home is somewhere other than Barnard—may be able to fund their students directly (either 部分ly or entirely). 的y may be funded by a grant that provides support for undergraduate research assistants; or perhaps they have access to funds through their home institution. 在所有情况下, if you are approaching an external faculty mentor to ask about the possibility of mentorship, you should always feel comfortable asking whether the mentor has the capacity to fund all or part of your research.
当你作为外部导师的徒弟申请SRI时, 我们会询问导师是否有能力支持你的工作. 外部资金的可用性 不影响你的申请. It merely helps the Planning Committee underst和 what funds might be coming from external sources. 看到我们的 关于寻找导师的常见问题 关于寻求资金的谈话技巧.
如下所示, there are a few other awards 和 programs that students annually pursue to fund their research. 这些都是杰出的奖项,我们一直鼓励学生申请! 你可以在网站上询问有关这些节目的问题
Fellows must be from under-represented communities 和 be conducting research in 纽约市. 的细节, 点击这里. 您也可以联系 教务处的杰迈玛·格迪恩(
的 Lamont-Doherty Summer Intern Program offers the chance to experience scientific research as an undergraduate.
Applicants should have an interest in conducting research in the Earth or ocean sciences. Two previous Earth- or ocean-science courses are desirable if they are available to the student. 所有学生都必须至少学一年微积分. 学生 choosing research in geochemistry 和 chemical oceanography are required to have at least two semesters of college-level chemistry. 学生 choosing research in marine biology are required to have at least two semesters of college-level biology. 学生 choosing research in geophysics should have at least three semesters of college-level physics.
的 Program来 Inspire M少数民族和服务不足的本科生 E环境健康科学 Research(底漆) 研究项目是全日制的吗, 未被充分代表的本科生少数民族, 以及在STEM领域代表性不足的弱势学生. 底漆 is funded by the National Institute for E环境健康科学s 和 provides research trainees the opportunity to gain valuable research experience in environmental health sciences. 学生 from Colleges 和 Universities in the 纽约市 area are eligible to participate.
有关该计划的详细信息可在AMNH网站上找到: http://www.科学院院刊.org/our-research/richard-gilder-graduate-school/academics-和-research/fellowship-和-grant-opportunities/undergraduate-fellowships
2023年生物学计划: http://www.科学院院刊.org/research/richard-gilder-graduate-school/academics-和-research/fellowship-和-grant-opportunities/undergraduate-fellowships/reu-biology-program
2023年物理科学项目 (包括地球与行星科学和天体物理学): http://www.科学院院刊.org/research/richard-gilder-graduate-school/academics-和-research/fellowship-和-grant-opportunities/undergraduate-fellowships/reu-physical-sciences-program
请注意,申请截止日期为 生物和物理科学REU 承认是 2023年1月31日.
所有参加这个项目的学生都必须 U.S. 公民,你.S. 美国国民或永久居民.S. 学生 must be entering or continuing in an Associates or Baccalaureate degree program following their summer internship; you must have at least one more semester remaining in college to complete your undergraduate degree after Summer 2023.
提醒一下,底漆 (Program来 Inspire M少数民族和服务不足的本科生 Environmental健康 Research). 这是一个令人兴奋的, 支付 opportunity for undergraduate students at local NYC schools to conduct research at (现场) 从2023年夏天开始在哥伦比亚大学上课.
的 优先申请截止日期为2月15日 和 申请详情可在此连结查阅. 我们鼓励学生尽快申请. 这里有一些额外的项目信息可能也会有所帮助:
- 现在和过去的底漆学员和他们的研究项目可以找到 在这个链接.
- 最近的 EHS通讯可在此找到. 的se newsletters include the latest information 和 details about the EHS family.
Professor Mia Minen at NYU Langone—herself a Barnard alum 和 perennial mentor of SRI students—has reached out about the "建立神经学研究抱负 (BRAIN) Program.“这是一个密集的, h和s-on research experience to support the development of future clinician-scientists in neurology. It focuses on undergraduate students from populations typically under-represented in neurology (for example, individuals who identify as under-represented minorities; first generation undergraduate students, 以及那些认为自己有残疾的人). Selected students will begin their work in Summer 2023, 和 stay with the lab through Spring 2024. 他们将完成研究设计和方法方面的正式培训, 在纽约大学神经病学研究研讨会上展示了他们的研究结果, 观察医科学生和神经内科住院医师培训, 完成职业生涯和专业发展. 有兴趣的学生可以联系亚历克西斯·乔治